Classroom Instruction
Dr. Kuebler teaches the courses listed below on a rotating basis throughout the academic year.
Access the
UCF Course Catalog
to find out when a particular course is being taught.
Some teaching materials for these courses are distributed electronically via

Dr. Kuebler receiving a 2008 UCF Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching Award.

Dr. Kuebler receiving the 2005 Outstanding Teacher of the Year award from the Orlando
Chapter of the American Chemical Society.

NPM-Group researcher Britt Torrance honored as UCF's Outstanding Freshman
Chemistry Student for 2003/2004.

Dr. Kuebler's first group of students: Inorganic Chemistry Lab (CHM 4610L, 2003)
Dr. Kuebler has also mentored interns from the UCF Institute for Simulation and Training.
During this internship, students created rendered animations that illustrate concepts
in NPM Group research. The animations are used for outreach presentations and
graduate training, and some of these can be downloaded from the
research page.
Educational Outreach

Former NPM Group member Marco Melino teaching students in the "Science Seminar" course at
Seminole State College about his research in nanophotonics (6 October 2008, Maitland, FL).
This outreach encounter included hands-on demonstrations that illustrated concepts in physics
and optics, including interference and diffraction.
The NPM group has developed an outreach program
designed to encourage Greater Orlando middle-, high school, and community
college students to engage in their own science education and consider
pursuing careers in science and engineering for themselves. The program is
based on peer-to-peer learning encounters in which undergraduates and
graduates from the NPM group visit local science classrooms and teach
students about their research in materials chemistry, optics, photonics, and
nanotechnology. The encounters include hands-on activities that enable
students to explore concepts used in our research. Presentation content is
coordinated in advance with classroom instructors to support the
Sunshine State Standards
curriculum. Participating classes are also invited to
visit our laboratories to see our research environment first-hand. A
specially formed advisory council stewards the outreach, assisting with
program content, classroom presentations, activities, and assessment. A
fundamental premise of the outreach is that students are more likely to
become interested in science and invested in their own learning when they
see that concepts they study are used by their peers in frontier research,
particularly in emerging fields, such as nanotechnology.
Our outreach collaborators include:
Members of the outreach advisory council members include:
- Ms. Molly Malloy,
K-12 Science Curriculum Specialists, Orange Co. Public Schools
- Dr. William Oelfke,
Dean of Physical Sciences, Valencia Community College
- Dr. Stephen P. Summers,
Chair of Physical Sciences, Seminole State College
- Dr. Alison Morrison-Shetlar,
Director of the Faculty Center for Teaching and Learning, UCF
- Dr. Jeffrey S. Kaplan,
College of Education, UCF
- Dr. Aldrin Sweeney,
College of Education, UCF
- Dr. Alvin Wang,
Dean of the UCF Honors College
- Ms. Kelly Astro,
Director of Research and Civic Engagement, UCF Honors College
- Mr. Michael Aldarondo-Jeffries,
Director, McNair and RAMP Scholars Program, UCF
- Dr. Stephen M. Kuebler,
Dept. of Chemistry and CREOL, UCF
To arrange an outreach visit or learn more about the program, please
contact Dr. Stephen M. Kuebler.